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Country visit - FSM/RMI Download as iCal file
From Monday, 14 March 2011 -  12:00am
To Friday, 15 April 2011 - 11:59pm
Hits : 22183
Federated States of Micronesia (14th - 30th March 2011)
(a) Assist with preparations for the National Water Summit on 22nd March;
(b) Represent the Pacific IWRM Programme at the National Summit;
(c) Coordinate interviews for the post of FSM GEF IWRM Demonstration Project Manager; and
(d) Provide induction training to both the EU and GEF supported IWRM staff in the FSM.

Republic of Marshall Islands (30th March - 15th April)
(a) Assist with preparations for the MCES Water and Sanitation Committee meeting planned for 12th-15th April;
(b) Provide Secretariat support to this meeting; and
(c) Provide support to the GEF funded National Integrated Water Resources Management Demonstration Project being implementing by RMIEPA.
During his proposed visit to RMI, Mr. Paterson will also coordinate inputs from the Micronesian sub-region to the Pacific IWRM programme’s Regional Technical Advisory Group meeting planned for the first week of April.

Location : Pohnpei, FSM/Majuro, RMI
Contact : Christopher Paterson ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )



Much has been said about rising sea levels and predicted impacts on low lying Pacific Island communities.As Pacific islanders we need to be more informed about what directly affects us and our livelihoods. The population of the Pacific islands is estimated to be over 8.6 million people, most of which are coastal dwelling and are therefore dependant on the ocean and its resources. So it is vital that we understand our ocean.

The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), hosts the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project alongside other initiatives aimed at improving our scientific knowledge of ocean and island ecosystems for the sustainable management of natural resources.